
    Omozua Ameze Isiramen

    Omozua Isiramen is a Neuroscience Transformation & Peak Performance Specialist who provides sales professionals, business consultants, executives, and leaders with a comprehensive methodology to decode their own unique brain signatures so they can elevate their personal and professional lives in all areas by attaining neuro agility and emotional mastery. Her Programs, Brainification and The Manyoufest Code help individuals and teams to develop brain fitness and mental flexibility for a fast, flexible, and focused mind to reach their potential.

    Becoming Your Self Unique With The Brain In Mind By Omozua Isiramen

    We live in a world where the constant onslaught of information has become the norm. It has become more about whether we can keep...

    Reach Your Destination By Confronting Your Emotions By Omozua Ameze Isiramen

    Our emotions are a wonderful thing. We feel on top of the world, like we’re soaring across vast beautiful landscapes made specifically for us when...

    Re-wiring Your Brain For The Festive Days And Family Gatherings By Omozua Isiramen

    Christmas, and family gatherings are believed to be the happiest holiday season for many. Unfortunately, as the holidays get closer and closer, you may notice...

    Set Yourself Free. Rewrite Your Survival Code By Omozua Isiramen

    “If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then...

    What Does The Brain Have To Do With It? By Omozua Isiramen

    Place and Setting Standing in a conference room, preparing for the workshop on leadership I was about to conduct. Participants come in, take their seats,...


    5 Ways To Unleash Your Personal Power By Falguni Katira

    We all have a personal power within us, waiting...

    Leveraging Strategic Partnerships For Business Growth By John Knotts

    Partnering with other companies can help you grow your...

    An Interview With Lee Mcenany Caraher CEO, Double Forte By Gina Riley


    Wine Or Whine? By Angela Vithoulkas

    Everybody’s business or work environment is complicated, and so...